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Create a free trial account?

For full access to courses, please spend a minute to create a new account for yourself on this web site.  Below are the steps:
  1. Complete the New Account form with your details.
  2. An email will be immediately sent to your email address.
  3. Check your email and click on the link in the email to activate your account.
  4. Your account will be activated and you will be logged in.
  5. Now, select the course you would like to participate.
  6. Click the "Enrol me" button and you can now access the course.  From now on you will only need to enter your username and password to log in under the session "Log in" on the left hand side of the login page and access any course you have enrolled in.
  1. 填寫 New Account 表格。
  2. 電腦系統會發出一封電郵到您填寫的電郵地址。
  3. 檢查您的電郵並點擊電郵內的連結註冊您的網上職業英語課程試用帳戶。
  4. 您的試用帳戶已啟動並自動登入網上職業英語課程。
  5. 選擇您有興趣試用的網上職業英語課程。
  6. 點擊 "Enrol me",您可以試用網上職業英語課程。完成以上步驟後,請在 首頁 左邊的 "Log in" 下面輸入您註冊的 username 和 password 登入網上職業英語課程。